Capital City: Brasilia
Currency: Real
Flight Time From London: 12 hours
Time Difference(from GMT): -3 or -4 hours depending on time of year
Brazil is the largest nation in South America comprising of approximately 215 million people. Brazil is a melting pot of immigrants who have their origins from diverse range of countries. In the southern regions, you will find many people who have German, Swiss, French and Eastern European heritage. South Paulo the most populated city in the country, has the largest Japanese community anywhere in the world outside of Japan. Slavery lies behind the large Afro-Brazilian population concentrated in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador da Bahia and the indigenous Indian influence, although sadly dwindling across the country is still visible in the Amazon regions. The Italian and Portuguese immigration influence is felt countrywide.
Brazil’s landscape is as diverse as its population. From the life giving Amazon rainforest in the North to the southern Pampas, the country has a huge range of wildlife, flora and fauna. Added to this, the coastal regions offer some of the best beaches that the world has to offer. The pace of life in Brazil reflects its laid-back culture and if sports, music and food are high on your priority list, then Brazil is the place for you. Keyhole International are Personalised Travel Specialists who will help you plan your dream trip to the land of Samba!!
Check out our Brazil brochure and make your travel dreams come alive