
Capital City: Quito

Currency: US Dollar

Flight Time From London: approx. 15 hours (1-stop)

Time Difference (from GMT): -5 hours

Ecuador, a neighbour to the North of Peru, straddles the equator on the western Pacific Coast of South America and is said by the indigenous peoples to be the Pachamama - the central belly button - of our planet earth. As a point of fact though, in the Ecuadorian province of Chimborazo, the Volcanic peak of Cerro Chimborazo towers into the upper atmosphere to its summit at 6,258meters. If you measure this from the centre of earth (and not from sea-level), it is actually 2km higher than Mount Everest, making it the closest point on earth to the sun.

Whether it’s the intriguing cities of Quito or Cuenca, the ecological playground of the Galapagos Islands or the astonishing wonders of the Yasuni National Park, Ecuador will leave you breathless in every sense of the word.

Check out our Ecuador brochure and make your travel dreams come alive

Contact me today to discuss your perfect trip to Ecuador

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