Chile & Easter Island
Capital City: Santiago
Currency: Chilean Peso
Flight Time From London: approx. 15 hours
Flight Time from Santiago to Easter Island: 5.5 Hours
Time Difference(from GMT): -3 hours depending on time of year
Chile extends 4,300KM down the western seaboard of South America, from its northern most point where it intersects both Bolivia and Peru to the tip of the continent at Cape Horn, a point only 645KM north of the frozen land mass of Antarctica. A long, narrow country, Chile has an average width of only about 170KM with its widest point close to the modest city of Antofagasta still be a positively skinny, 300km. This unique geography certainly makes Chile a county that has a lot going for it. Some of the many highlights include, Puma spotting and tracking in Patagonia, wine tasting in its world-famous vineyards, exploring the Atacama Desert and discovering the UNESCO World Heritage site of Easter Island. If you know where to go, it does not take a lot to get a serious amount of value added into a trip to Chile. Keyhole International are Personal Travel Specialists and we can help you find every slice of value that it has to offer.